Welcome to

Cambria County Library System

News & Updates


Can't Find It?

Can’t find it after searching the Cambria County Library Systems’ catalogs? You can now search and place holds at the following locations: Blair County Library System and Lackawanna County Library System

cloudLibrary Is Here!

Enjoy free eBooks and eAudiobooks from any smartphone or tablet with our cloudLibrary app.
Get started by visiting yourcloudlibrary.com to download the app today!

Meet our Libraries

It's great that I can get books from anywhere in the county and pick them up at my local library!

-Leanna Bird

The Cambria County Library System consists of 14 independent libraries in Cambria County, Pennsylvania. Each library in our federated system features its own programs, mission, and Board of Directors. 

One library card provides access to all 14 libraries. Patrons can use their card at any member library location to borrow items or enjoy programs. Our libraries work together to allow patrons to request an item from one library, and pick it up at another.

Our libraries are proud to work with the Cambria County Commissioners to provide outstanding services in our county. Our system headquarters are located in Johnstown, PA.  

Staff Picks

New Procedures

Beginning Wednesday, November 18, 2020, in-person services, with the exception of computer access, will be suspended until further notice. Our basket raffle has been cancelled.  This decision comes after careful consideration & in...

Will You Help?

Will You Help?

Dear Neighbor, We hope this unprecedented year finds you and your family healthy and weathering its many challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic has tested all of us—emotionally, financially and professionally. With these tests have come great resourcefulness—to...

Support Letter Divi

Support Letter Divi

2020 Annual Fund DriveNew offering digital library cards.The mobile-friendly cclsys.orgCurbside Pickup of Books and DVDsDear Neighbor, We hope this unprecedented year finds you and your family healthy and weathering its many challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic has...

Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!!! Gingerbread House Contest! Sponsored by: Friends of the Patton Public Library Prizes for the top three gingerbread houses. Purchase tickets to vote. Keep watching facebook and our website for additional information.