Enter the Chopped Teens Library Cooking Competition! by Joyce | Sep 30, 2020 | Cambria County Library, Cambria County Library Teen PostsWatch this clip from local news, WJAC, to learn more about our cooking competition and how you can...
Some of our new spooky YA titles for Halloween by Joyce | Sep 30, 2020 | Cambria County Library, Cambria County Library Teen Posts[bookshelf id=”12805″] Check out our latest titles in the YA department, just in time for Halloween!
Voting for TeenTober best YA 2020 books starts Saturday! by Joyce | Sep 30, 2020 | Cambria County Library, Cambria County Library Teen PostsPick up a ballot in the library’s 1st floor Teenspace to vote for your favorite YA titles. Voting will be done bracket style until a final winner is chosen. For a list of titles and more information about the contest, visit...